Be part of the team

Whether in the classroom, at a PTA event, or on a committee, volunteers are always needed and appreciated, there is not set time of year to start, whenever you like !

There are so many ways to get involved

  • PTA Meetings – Come along to our meetings to find?out the latest on upcoming events, committee projects, admin updates and more. Membership recommended but nor required.
  • Events – Join in the fun of helping out at any (or all) of our events to raise essential funds for our school.
  • Fundraising – Earn donations for your school just by using the internet. Click here for more details.
  • Ideas – Maybe you have some ideas on how we can raise funds, you can always talk to us, present at a meeting, use our ‘contact us’ feature and we will get back to you as soon as we can !

Ideas, Suggestions, Comments, Anything !

You don’t have to be a part of the PTA, just giving us ideas or feedback is a great way to help.

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